Wednesday, 21 October 2015

The obsession is real

When other girls my age claim that they are “obsessed with Lush”, they usually mean that they've tried some bath bombs and maybe a shower gel. I guess I'm far beyond that stage though - I'm absolutely addicted! Lush's concept and innovative products make me fall in love with this wonderful company every single day. By now, I've tried quite a lot Lush stuff so i already picked some favourites. However, there is still so much to try as I haven't got such an impressive collection as other Lushies do. The main reason for this is that I live in Berlin (you may already have noticed by my bad English - I'm so sorry) and Lush Germany is pretty expensive. Everybody living in the UK is so lucky to get Lush products so much cheaper! However, the prices won't discourage me from my obsession. I also feel like it's worth very cent and I just love Lush way too much to not buy their stuff!

Small Lush haul from yesterday. Will be reviewing everything!

The main reason I created this blog is to give you extensive reviews of the Lush products I've tried. If you think that there are tons of reviews about Lush products you're right, but there aren't a lot of blogs that actually write detailed ones as I plan to do (If you know a good Lush blog or even own one, post it in the comments and I'll definitely check it out!) In fact, there is only one Lush blog that comes to my mind when I think about continuously extensive reviews - (this blog is my absolutely favourite - it's incredibly helpful!) If you are into Lush, you probably know Jen. She was also a big inspiration to me to actually start this blog - and here we are! I'm so excited so start posting reviews, tips and everything helpful about Lush. If you have any suggestions, ideas or critique, leave it in the comments! Nina

P.S.: As I said in the beginning, I'm a 17 year old girl from Berlin and I've never been to an English speaking country for a longer time. I'm still at school trying to learn the language as good as I can but as I've never had any personal contact with English speaking people, probably every sentence sounds really weird. It would be so helpful if you'd give me feedback about my language and point out my mistakes. That way, I can correct my posts and make this blog more comprehensible. Thank you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Your english is great :) Ive been taking Spanish for 3 years and never in a million years could i write something as good as this xx Not only that i to have a BIG obsession with lush and ordered a bunch of stuff off their website as they just had their boxing day sell. Just waiting for it to come. By the way I've just started my own blog if you have the time can you check it out xxx Heres the website:
